Aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance
Aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance

As dad to four girls with his wife, director Sam Taylor-Johnson, the 26-year-old Brit was ambivalent about the depths to which he’d have to go for director Tom Ford. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.Taking on the role of Ray Marcus, a bad dude who does some terrible things to the wife and daughter of Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in Nocturnal Animals, was an opportunity Aaron Taylor-Johnson almost passed up.

aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance

This story first appeared in a January standalone issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. I definitely had to seek some therapy and time to calm down. After making this movie, it was like we had a little PTSD. I think we were having out-of-body experiences, going off script, and it got psychologically draining. The three days we shot that night scene, where the two cars pull over, got so intense and heated. And I was shocked by some of the things that came out of my mouth. I didn’t know about Laura Linney, who’s in one of the best scenes in the movie. What was your reaction to seeing the finished film with all the storylines blended in? There were lots of little details like that. Later on there’s mention of a previous rape charge. There’s a scene where my fingernails are tapping on the top of the car, and for a split second you see a little ring on my finger.

#Aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance serial

When we researched serial killers, a lot of them kept souvenirs from previous victims, like a lock of hair or a shoelace. Another piece of costume I wore was this girl’s plastic heart ring on my pinky finger. The boots affected the way I started to walk, which affected the way I smoked and drank and stayed in accent. I’d call them my “Friday night going-out boots.” He was going to stir trouble that night. It was all about his swagger and arrogance.

aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance

How does costume impact your performance? Your character wears these bright green boots. They all have something in common, and it’s that they’re very charismatic and charming and unpredictable. In the three months prior to making the movie, I spent a lot of time researching psychopaths and serial killers and watching documentaries on Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. My job was to manipulate and provoke Jake Gyllenhaal’s character, to get a reaction out of him. But it was a nice way to show versatility and something different. I’m not everybody’s first choice for a role like this. I could put my trust in him and he’d guide me through. So when I first spoke with him, I asked, “What’s your vision for this? How do you see this happening?” Tom is so eloquent about everything he wants and feels, it became instantly obvious that I wanted to be a part of this film, no matter how challenging it would be. Later on in interviews he said there was some kind of charisma, some kind of edge that he saw in me. I was shocked that Tom even thought of me for it. I’m a father to daughters, so I didn’t relate to the character. What were your first thoughts about this script? He recently opened up to THR about going dark for Nocturnal. But the months of preparation and the grueling shoot paid off when Taylor-Johnson nabbed the sole Golden Globe acting nomination for the film.

aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance

“It was a disturbing role that I didn’t want to bring into the household,” he admits. Taking on the role of Ray Marcus, a bad dude who does some terrible things to the wife and daughter of Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in Nocturnal Animals, was an opportunity Aaron Taylor-Johnson almost passed up.

Aaron taylor johnson nocturnal animals performance