Buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending
Buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending

buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending

He then goes on to say that while designing obstacles that he couldn't get past, he felt like he failed as a player rather than as a builder, and that should never be the mentality of a game designer. he talks about how this was based on Sexy Hiking, which was a B games, and that B games are more made for the joy of creating, rather than being a polished product, meaning that it was not truly meant for consumers to play. Then comes the narration, in which Bennett Foddy himself says how he is guilty. Even Bennett Foddy himself has trouble with them.

buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending

Even speedrunners, people who will try every technique and do sections of a game over and over to perfect it, even speedrunners will have difficulty with the devil's chimney, if only for a brief moment. The devil's chimney, for example, many people have struggles with due to delayed controls and lack of consistency. The game's obstacles don't make much sense either. The creator himself even said that he designed the game using "like a $5 Amazon mouse," and when playing with a more responsive mouse, something that would be a benefit while playing any other game, he had to turn the sensitivity down. The game is also designed in a strange way where the level design relies on finer, slower, careful movements, and yet the game only truly responds with more quick and careless movemtns, as being careful can make you suddenly slip even if you were perfectly still.


The player would be in full control and it would truly be their fault if they missed a jump or fell to the bottom. If the hammer followed your mouse perfectly, then that would be a different story. This game, on the other hand, I've heard has a delay in its controls which adds to the difficulty, and it's not very consistent. Every action will have the same result, so it's a matter of learning the full extent of how Mario controls and his mechanics, as well as timing. The obstacles you face are difficult and the mechanics are hard to master, but due to the tight controls and consistency, with repeated attempts you can master each level. In Kaizo Mario, the controls are very consistent and responsive. Compare this game to something like Kaizo Mario. A difficult but fair game will have tight controls and consistency. While I of course haven't played the game, from what I've seen and heard from the game, it is definitely unfair.

buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending

This game is not for crybabies who blame the controls for their shortcomings. If you're not prepared for that, stay away from this game and play something easy. Any failure that you encounter in this game will be entirely your own fault, and recklessness/disregard for your surroundings will result in failure. Nothing about this game is unfair, and the controls are absolutely perfect. The people who are saying those things are nothing more than pouty children who lack the attention span and the basic intellect required to navigate simple obstacles. Originally posted by GameHero152:the majority of that difficulty being attributed to unfair level design and controls I'm not judging you, I understand that not everybody likes unreasonably-difficult games, I'm just saying that you have to like a challenge to really enjoy this game (or at least be able to push past the rage and win anyways, even if you don't like the challenge) I still recommend it, it's cheap, fun (if you've got patience) and a great experience (at least it was for me,) but what happens when you win honestly doesn't really equate to much of anything compared to the sense of pride you feel the first time you beat it, if you do. Anyways, if you don't feel like it'd be worth winning just to feel the accomplishment and pride that would go along with winning, that you'd need some great reward to make it worth it, then no. Sorry I went on a tangent there, but I've gotten into this game more than I thought I would when I bought it, and I've been trying to speedrun it a lot lately. The only case of truly bad design I've seen (and if I'm being perfectly honest it's really ♥♥♥♥♥♥) is right before the end of the game, at the tower, where you can softlock yourself and have to reset the run (however if you're careful it won't happen, it's only happened to me once so far out of the ~40 wins I have rn.) The game is difficult, but I wouldn't say it's poorly designed, the more I play it the more instances I see of a prop placed seemingly at random that in certain scenarios can affect your whole run.

Buy getting over it with bennett foddy ending